UPDATE wow it's been a while 11/03/2013 and apparently I missed a comment on the page. The above image was only a concept design. I realize my whole perspective was way off. After a creative juice flow if you will I present a 3d render of the first floor of the inn.
This is the 3d Render
Red Arrow = Mail Slots
Blue Arrow = Character
Yellow Arrow = Desk
Green Arrow = Office
Gray Arrow = Walls
This is only a concept model in progress as I tweek it the more I'll update it.
Please submit any questions via my email Neal.Guzman@gmail.com I check that on a regular basis.
This is a start to the inner room. I have a long way to go. I don't feel it is cartoon enough for what I'm going for. However it's a start and I'll be putting up more as I go along. Neal.
So I decided that I would start creating a new game while working on "Space Mayhem" and possibly putting "Space Mayhem" on the back burner if you will. I somehow deleted my original blog that had the correct URL. Anyways here is my new blog if you will. So I was thinking that I could have a game that you play as a Ghost. Your Objective is to scare the Inn Check-In Guests. The more guest you scare the more of a chance you have to shut down the Inn in order for you to fully Haunt the Inn. Different Ghostly skills will be added to this game. Some Guest will be easier to scare then others and the Inn Manger themselves will be hard to drive out of his Inn.
This is the first Concept I drew for this game. Entitled as The Haunted Inn I was planning on making the floor on the bottom the interactive floor. As the second floor will have different things happening. IE That the pictures with the eyes will turn to portraits that have eye's following you. A door that may open to reveal something happening in the room that you as the Ghost must investigate to see if another Ghost / Spirit maybe wanting in on your action if you will. Just some random scary stuff.
This is the inner room once you get the quest from the Ghostly Manager/Not the Inn Manager if you will. You will be required to try to flush out the guest or spirit out of the room using your spiritual energy. Once you have earned this objective you move on to the next Guest and or Spirit.
This game is going to have some humor and Scary points. This game will be done in a cartoonish fashion. If I can think of how to do it. Stay Tuned for more Neal.
Do you have a comic, cartoon, or hand-drawn style in mind to give an idea what you will be shooting for, at least at this point in development? And without knowing how the player interacts with anything in this gamespace, or what choices will be given to the player in controls and actions/reactions, it's hard to gauge. Since the walls are detailed and emphasized more than the bed, and the floor is left blank, and the bed does not follow the perspective (mainly on the right end of it) of the vanishing point suggested by the walls, I'm not sure how to judge the image, especially knowing it's with a game in mind. My eye is drawn to the walls with the bed intruding into my focus. Not enough data to work with on my end, but I hope I've given you something you were looking for or can use.